Friday, May 22, 2009


We all were wet but we did not wuss out like some others and stayed till the end.   We needed to stay till the end, cause Bethanie's speach was after they read all the graduates names.  She kept it short and sweet.  She got to have them move the tassels over to the other side and then got to yell and have everyone through their hats in the air.  She did a great job.  She also was in the choir and they sung two songs.  
Last year it rained the night of graduation and they moved everyone inside and the parents weren't even in the same room with the graduates.  So that was not as fun for everyone.  My nephew, who is on a mission right now, was one of them.  So at the beginning of this year all the seniors took a vote, to either have graduation at ASU, or if it rains to continue to have it outside at their own school.  They voted to have it at their school no matter what.  So we all got to sit in the rain last night. But, it wasn't so bad though.  I think I would have it rain on me then be 105 degrees.
Rain on graduation night two years in a row in Arizona, who would have thunk.
Bethanie was the very first name they read to graduate, because she was the Senior Class President, that was cool.
Here's my family sitting in the rain.

Bethanie giving her speech.  
I had to shush come loud people behind us during it.   I turned around and said, SHSH that is her daughter up there.  They roled their eyes at me.  They were rude.
We found her on the field when it was all done.  
Congratulations Bethanie!!! And good luck at BYU next year.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Sometimes things are more fun in the least in retrospect! Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well! Take care!