Friday, May 22, 2009


It seems like the last two weeks of Avery school, every day was a party.  One of those many fun days was a water day.  They had tons of fun things to do outside that involved getting wet.  

Here she is on one.  
They made a water slide out of their playground slide.  

This is Avery with her most fabulous teacher Mrs. Gonzalez.  We loved her soo much.  
She was a GREAT teacher and loved all the kids in her class.
This is Kylie, Avery's very best friend in her class.
When she got home from school, I asked her what was her favorite thing she did at water day.  She said she her favorite thing was when they ate popsicles and got sprayed with the hose. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Avery's swimsuit!