Friday, May 22, 2009


Lainey is through with Pre-K!!!  She is very excited to be able to go to Avery's school and go to all day Kindergarden next year.  
But she will miss her good friends in her class.  
We went to her class where they put on a show of nursery rhymes. 
 She was the cow that jumped over the moon.  
This is her cute friend Sally.
Lainey with her friend Cameron.
Here is Phillip.  They always had fun together. 
 It is sad that none of these kids will be at Lainey's school next year :( 
But I know she will make new friends.
Mrs. Moore was an excellent teacher.  Lainey learned so much.  Acutally, Avery  had her three years ago for Pre-K too.  So we knew how awesome she was.  
I'm proud of Lainey and all that she learned this year.  


It seems like the last two weeks of Avery school, every day was a party.  One of those many fun days was a water day.  They had tons of fun things to do outside that involved getting wet.  

Here she is on one.  
They made a water slide out of their playground slide.  

This is Avery with her most fabulous teacher Mrs. Gonzalez.  We loved her soo much.  
She was a GREAT teacher and loved all the kids in her class.
This is Kylie, Avery's very best friend in her class.
When she got home from school, I asked her what was her favorite thing she did at water day.  She said she her favorite thing was when they ate popsicles and got sprayed with the hose. 


We all were wet but we did not wuss out like some others and stayed till the end.   We needed to stay till the end, cause Bethanie's speach was after they read all the graduates names.  She kept it short and sweet.  She got to have them move the tassels over to the other side and then got to yell and have everyone through their hats in the air.  She did a great job.  She also was in the choir and they sung two songs.  
Last year it rained the night of graduation and they moved everyone inside and the parents weren't even in the same room with the graduates.  So that was not as fun for everyone.  My nephew, who is on a mission right now, was one of them.  So at the beginning of this year all the seniors took a vote, to either have graduation at ASU, or if it rains to continue to have it outside at their own school.  They voted to have it at their school no matter what.  So we all got to sit in the rain last night. But, it wasn't so bad though.  I think I would have it rain on me then be 105 degrees.
Rain on graduation night two years in a row in Arizona, who would have thunk.
Bethanie was the very first name they read to graduate, because she was the Senior Class President, that was cool.
Here's my family sitting in the rain.

Bethanie giving her speech.  
I had to shush come loud people behind us during it.   I turned around and said, SHSH that is her daughter up there.  They roled their eyes at me.  They were rude.
We found her on the field when it was all done.  
Congratulations Bethanie!!! And good luck at BYU next year.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We decided it was finally time to cut Jolie's hair.
I know, I know. How many pictures can you take of a child's hair cut?  
I took a lot.  

Now it is pretty cute.  
Thanks aunt Jayme for making it so cute. You are the best!



Saturday, May 16, 2009


So I made it family size so we could all share.  
Ingredients for out banana split were:  1 banana (cut in half length wise),  3 scoops rocky road ice cream, 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream, fresh strawberries, hershey chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and pecans.  
We all got a spoon and dug in.
I think we finished it in less than three minutes.  
 Now you want one too, huh.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yeah, that's baby wipes all over the place.

This is what happens when I hang out on the computer for too long.  
Gotta love that face though.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I am so proud of Morgan getting his doctorate.  We got to go up to Flagstaff last weekend for his graduation.
Now all he has to do is take the big board exams.  
He can write his name like this...Morgan Brown PT, DPT.

We went up to Flagstaff on Friday afternoon and met up with some old friends from school at the park for a picnic dinner.  

Here's Avery with her good friend Allisa, she really missed her.  They always have so much fun together.  They hadn't seen her for 9 months.  
Lainey and her friend Olivia. 

Jolie and her new friends. 

Here's all the guys talking about the upcoming board exams.  I'm sure they are not excited about those.  But they were all excited about the graduation ceremony.  
They are all good daddy's.

The girls waiting for Daddy to graduate.

Morgan is the one about to turn the corner.

The Doctorate degree students got to sit up in the front rows.
Then they got "hooded".  The got to line up in front of everyone and their professors placed the green sash kind of thing over their heads. 

Here's the proud parents.
The happy family. 

This is Morgan's good friend Carl.  We got to know his family very well.  
The one thing I regret about our Flagstaff stay, is that we didn't befriend them a year sooner. 

After the graduation we went to have lunch with the Wiltbank family.  It was delicious.

Carl and Wendy, we will miss them a ton.  
Good luck in Eager!!!

Then they had a graduation reception in a ball room at a nice hotel.  It was very nice.  They let all the graduates thank anyone they wanted and then gave them their certificate.
The Physical Therapy class of 2009.

All the guys.

All the wives too.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


She says "Hello". She knows her animal noises and a few more.  So cute, if I say so myself.
These were taken about a month ago.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Last Saturday, I took Avery and Lainey to their cousin's birthday party at a place in Gilbert called Bounce Jungle.   They have two huge rooms and each room had three big bouncy things.  We were the only ones in the rooms at a time.   They also had helpers to help with everything.  Which I thought was totally awesome.  The two helpers served the pizza, soda, cake and icecream and even wrote down the gifts and who they were from.   
There were about 20 kids at the party.  They all had an absolute blast. 
If you can afford it,  I would recommend it to anyone for a kids party. 
(I have no idea how much it cost.) 
 All the kids had so much fun.  Afterwards, I asked my girls if they had fun, and they said it was as much fun as Disneyland. 
My nephew, it is his brother's birthday.

Avery havin' fun sliding.

Here's Lainey going down.

My sister with the birthday boy.
Bouncing is tiring.  Avery got very thirsty.  I noticed many kids who were sweaty at the end.  
This is my brother and his girlfriend.  All the kids really like her.  They played too.
The birthday boy.