Sunday, May 10, 2009


I am so proud of Morgan getting his doctorate.  We got to go up to Flagstaff last weekend for his graduation.
Now all he has to do is take the big board exams.  
He can write his name like this...Morgan Brown PT, DPT.

We went up to Flagstaff on Friday afternoon and met up with some old friends from school at the park for a picnic dinner.  

Here's Avery with her good friend Allisa, she really missed her.  They always have so much fun together.  They hadn't seen her for 9 months.  
Lainey and her friend Olivia. 

Jolie and her new friends. 

Here's all the guys talking about the upcoming board exams.  I'm sure they are not excited about those.  But they were all excited about the graduation ceremony.  
They are all good daddy's.

The girls waiting for Daddy to graduate.

Morgan is the one about to turn the corner.

The Doctorate degree students got to sit up in the front rows.
Then they got "hooded".  The got to line up in front of everyone and their professors placed the green sash kind of thing over their heads. 

Here's the proud parents.
The happy family. 

This is Morgan's good friend Carl.  We got to know his family very well.  
The one thing I regret about our Flagstaff stay, is that we didn't befriend them a year sooner. 

After the graduation we went to have lunch with the Wiltbank family.  It was delicious.

Carl and Wendy, we will miss them a ton.  
Good luck in Eager!!!

Then they had a graduation reception in a ball room at a nice hotel.  It was very nice.  They let all the graduates thank anyone they wanted and then gave them their certificate.
The Physical Therapy class of 2009.

All the guys.

All the wives too.


Monica said...

What an accomplishment. Please tell Morgan congratulations from us. Well done!

Anonymous said...

These are great pictures. I am sad we couldn't go. But, I am so proud of him! And you guys too! It has been a long 3 years!