Thursday, June 4, 2009


Man, I wish I was a better writer. (I am just warning you, this is rambling).

Last Wednesday I went up with my Young Women to girls camp.  This is the first time I’ve been, since I was probably 15 years old.  I am the camp director for my ward.  I think, no I know, I have the two best callings in the church.  Well at least for me, I do.  I am the primary chorister also.  Fun. 

We had 18 girls go from our ward.  7 were YCL’s and were mostly off doing there own thing.  So I had 11 girls with us the whole time.  Three other leaders along with me. 

It was absolutely the most fun, spiritual, and exhausting week ever.  My emotions were so close to the surface the whole time.  I’m still not sure if that was because of feeling the spirit so often or the lack of sleep.  But I cried a lot. 

Besides a different girl barfing every day there, I had a blast.  I felt like one of the girls.  I was always just hanging out with them.  They thought I was pretty goofy, cause I was.  I just wanted them to have fun the whole time. So we played games when we weren’t doing a scheduled activity.  The Stake leaders really out-did themselves.  Everything was so organized and the lessons and games were just perfect.  I was so happy with everything. 

Except for when I called home the second day and found out Jolie was sick and pucking.  That’s not fun to hear, when you can’t do anything about it.  But I knew she was in good hands with Morgan.  He is a good daddy. 

When I got home on Saturday, Jolie just stared at me for long long time.  She was glad to see me again.  I was so glad to be home. But, I hope I will be able to go back again next year.  If I’m not pregnant or just had a baby, I’m planning on it.


The Glenns said...

It's because you know it's where you are meant to be...with girls who will someday make a huge difference in the world. Next year Sydney goes to camp. 12 years goes by in a blink.

Monica said...

I just know that you were the life of the party Jessie!