Sunday, January 24, 2010


I sure have been slaking on my blogging lately.  It has really just been same old - same old around here.  Except I'm getting a little larger in the middle section.  
I was released today from my calling in church as the ward camp director :-( I really had a great time last year (except for the puking everyday) and was really looking forward to going again.  But I will be 8 months pregnant when we would have gone, so I said it would be better to get another for the job.  But I still have the greatest calling of all as ward chorister and that still keeps me on my toes.
Here are some funny things my girls have said:
One night we were driving home, and just turned on our street.  There were some teenage boys playing basketball in the street and we had to wait for them to move so we could drive by.  Then Avery says, " get out of the way you brainyacks".  I laughed and asked her what she thought a brainyack was.  She said a teenager up to no good.  I told her no, it was someone who was smart.  OH OH she said.  
I heard Lainey and Avery in the kitchen playing a memory card game.  Lainey was upset with something Avery had done.  I heard Lainey yell, "Cheater, cheater, pants on fire."
She had mixed up liar, liar, pants on fire and cheater cheater, pumpkin eater. It was funny.

 I also think I blinded everyone today at church with my shinny white, ghostly legs.  I should have worn the pantyhose.  Next time.

Morgan and I cant agree on even three names for the baby. So I told him since he has done his job and now I have to carry and push out the baby, I get to name him or her.  We'll see...


Kelli Brown said...

I think that's fair. After all, his part was pretty easy and I imagine he'd do it all over again and again and again...with no complaining :)

I am cracking up at "Cheater, cheater, pants on fire!" So funny.

meghannamarie said...

Love what your girls have to say funny! Justin never liked any of my baby names either...I still have 2 that I would like to use but not in this lifetime!