Friday, March 27, 2009


Yesterday was an exciting day for me.  Avery’s school received an AED.  An AED stands for an Automated External Defibrillator. 

We have a heart condition called Long QT.  When I say we, I mean me, Avery and Lainey.  (It’s genetic, my mom has it and gave it to me and three of my brothers.)  Basically it is an irregular heart beat and if our heart beats too fast or our body gets hit hard, our heart will stop start beating weird causing us to die. 

A defibrillator is the machine that shocks the heart to make it start beating regular again.  So it is really good to have one handy.  (Hopefully some day I can afford to have one in my own home.  They cost about $1200.)

Before the school year even started, I went to Avery’s school nurse and told her of her heart condition and asked if she could try to find any services who would donate an AED to the school or if she could formally ask the PTO to buy it.  I then joined the PTO to make sure we would pay for it when she asked. 

Avery’s school nurse was soooo great.  She found this club called the Pilots Club, who just this year, started to donate a portion of the cost of the AED, if she would teach the school compression only CPR.  It’s the new way to do CPR, no breathing in the mouth, only chest compressions.   So that is what she did. 

Then the PTO paid for the rest of the AED. 

AT the PTO meeting last night some of the Pilot club member came to see the school receive the AED and of course I had to come and say thank you. I took Avery too, so they could all see her cute face and know it will help a good cause if we ever need it.

Hopefully we will never have to use it. 

I told them about our heart condition and that my other daughter who has the same heart condition will be going to the school next year. 

They all took pictures of us with the AED.  They told us that we will probably be put in their newsletter too.


Anonymous said...

That is so great...I know you were pushing for that. I am so glad her school has one now!! Now we just need to see how we can get one donated to you guys! :)

meghannamarie said...

Wow that is great! You are a great asset to so many organizations, I am sure the PTO won't let you go now that you have your AED! And yes hopefully the girls won't ever have to use it!

Monica said...

Jessie, I love this post. I love it when one person asks for something that really makes a difference. So many people are affraid to do so. Great job girl!